Student Health


In accordance with Department of Education guidelines, the school meets compliance requirements on the administration of medication to students at school. Parents must complete a Medication Authorisation Form prior to any staff member administering medication. Forms are available from Reception.


As per national guidelines, we are an "Allergy Aware" school. It is critical that if your child has any allergies, an action plan is prepared and discussed with staff, to ensure we are aware of your child’s needs and that your child receives the best possible care in the event of an allergic reaction whilst at school.

Please refer to the school’s Healthy Eating Guide.


When students are unwell, they should not attend school. We will advise if there are contagious illnesses in the school, at point in time. Please consult the HEALTHY WA website for guidelines on particular health matters as you need to.

Specific information linked to schools and health can be found HERE.


NCPS Guidelines 2022 to 2024

NCPS Letter to Parents re Anaphylaxis

NCPS Anaphylaxis Risk Management 2022 to 2024

Anaphylaxis Best Practice in Schools - Allergy Aware

Allergy Aware Website for further information - CLICK HERE