Before and after school

Before and after school use of the amenities at North Cott are via:

Deed of Licence - Businesses


Under the P&C's 'Sporting Sub Committee'


Under the 'P&C After School Play Sub Committee'

Contact the office for more details.

NEW in 2023 - P&C are trialling a facilitated after school play session each Friday between 3:30pm and 4:30pm. This will run [while we have P&C Members who volunteer to host the event for the P&C] from Friday Week 9 Term 3 to Friday Week 9 Term 4.

Key things to remember:

- Play will be Fridays only; from 3.30pm-4.30pm

- Play will be at the Nature Play area ONLY [includes cricket pitch, climbing wall and adjacent playground next to the climbing wall]

- 1 adult per 4 students is the minimum ratio of parent supervision required in order to participate

CLICK HERE for further details from the P&C about this after school play option